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Viral Video: Locals carry children to school across river on their shoulders in Nashik

There is no road or bridge over the river.

Story Highlights
  • So far more than 4 lakh people have seen this video going viral on social media. In the video, some school children dressed in clothes are being shown.

VIRAL VIDEO- At a time when highways, tunnels and expressways are being constructed to connect cities across India, and make commuting between states easier, but the development have not yet reached in the far flung areas.

A video clip is went viral in social media, shows the struggle of children who have to swim across a river to reach their school situated on the other side of the river, in Maharashtra’s Nashik district. There is no road or bridge over the river.

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After watching this video that has surfaced through social media, your hair will stand. In this video you can see how the school children are forced to cross the fast flowing river. After watching this video, you will definitely feel like cursing the government system.

So far more than 4 lakh people have seen this video going viral on social media. In the video, some school children dressed in clothes are being shown. These children are standing on the bank of a river. Because the water of the river is deep, so small children cannot cross the river. For this, some elder people of the village are bringing the children one by one to this shore. so that they can reach school.

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After watching this video, many social media users were seen questioning the system. Social media users are questioning the system as to why no arrangement has been made for school children to cross the river. Why a bridge has not been built for the children to cross the river.

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“There are around 15-20 children who have to cross the river to go to school. The river is deep, so we carry them either on our shoulders or in big containers. We request the administration to build a bridge,” a local resident told ANI.
The concerns increase during rainy season when the water level in the river gets flooded or the backwater of Suki River is released. The lack of bridge forces many parents to either risk their lives and carry the students across the river or miss school. Sometimes, the students are forced to miss their school for months at a stretch.
“It has been many years since we are living like this. There are no roads, no bridge, which makes it very difficult for children to go to school,” lamented a local. They also shared that the demand for the bridge over the river has been make to people’s representatives regularly. The villagers have also reached out to MPs, and MLAs to Zilla Parishads, and Panchayat Samiti members to local public representatives and pleaded for a bridge. So far, there is no response or help.

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