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Viral Video: Bride & Groom Exchange Snake Garlands in Bizarre Wedding Ritual

The incident happened in a remote village of Beed district in Maharashtra, where the bride and groom chose deadly snake garlands instead of the customary flower garlands.

Story Highlights
  • The bride first puts a huge snake around the groom’s neck, following which the couple poses for photographs. When it’s the groom’s turn, he brings a big python and puts it around the bride’s neck .

VIRAL VIDEO-   Skipping the customary flower garlands, a couple chose deadly snake garlands and wrapped it around each other’s necks without flinching for a moment. Reportedly, the two are local wildlife department employees, who reside in a remote district of the state. Buzz is also that the snakes were let loose briefly after the ceremony got over.

The bizarre video has resurfaced on social media websites, which shows a bride and groom exchanging snake garlands during their wedding.

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The incident happened in a remote village of Beed district in Maharashtra, where the bride and groom chose deadly snake garlands instead of the customary flower garlands.

The video shows the couple dressed in white attires, wrapping the snakes around each other’s necks and none of them seem even a little bit scared.

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The bride first puts a huge snake around the groom’s neck, following which the couple poses for photographs. When it’s the groom’s turn, he brings a big python and puts it around the bride’s neck .

A huge crowd is also present there to attend the wedding. Notably, the two are local wildlife department employees, who reside in a remote district of the state.

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The video has gone viral, leaving netizens stunned who can’t seem to wrap their heads around the bizarre wedding ritual. Many people joked about it, while others were curious to know what was happening.

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